Un grand nombre de personnes

Vous travaillez déjà ou vous cherchez un emploi?

Vous voulez améliorer vos compétences de communication au travail?

Nouvellement arrivé(e) au Canada?


Occupation-specific Language Training courses are delivered in a variety of formats to suit any schedule.

Occupation-Specific Language Training (OSLT) is offered at no cost for newcomers to Ontario.

Participants must be permanent residents who live in Ontario or protected persons who have

  • training or experience in a specific occupation or sector, but need to improve their occupation-specific communication skills.
  • language proficiency of at least level 5 in Canadian Language Benchmarks (CLB), or Niveaux de compétence linguistique canadiens (NCLC) for courses taught in French (for skilled trades at least level 4 in CLB/NCLC).

Participants will develop the language and communication skills needed to

  • understand workplace culture in their occupation and sector.
  • interact effectively with their colleagues, clients and supervisors.
  • give and receive information by email and telephone.
  • interview and network effectively.
Un collage d’images représentant diverses professions visées par la FLAP/OSLT

Participating Colleges

Algonquin College Boreal College La Cité Conestoga College Fanshawe College George Brown College Georgian College Humber College Mohawk College Niagara College Seneca College Centennial College

What is OSLT?

What is Blended Delivery?

Welcome to OSLT!


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