NEW: OSLT for Internationally Educated Nurses. Online Construction Trades courses. Please visit New/Upcoming Courses for a list of course offerings.
New and Upcoming Courses
Participate in FREE work-oriented language training for newcomers
New and Upcoming Courses
Participate in FREE work-oriented language training for newcomers
Blended Courses
See the list of upcoming courses.
Blended courses integrate virtual or in-person classes with online activities. Virtual courses can be taken from anywhere in Ontario. Courses are delivered on a part-time and full-time basis in five sectors that include over 25 occupations:
- Business
- Construction Trades
- Health Sciences
- Human Services
- Technology.
All courses are offered in English; some are also offered in French. Courses are 140 or 180 hours, depending on the course, and usually delivered over 10–18 weeks. Colleges will issue an OSLT credential for each course successfully completed.
All virtual courses require access to a computer with video and audio capabilities as well as an internet connection.
Online Modules
See the list of upcoming online modules.
OSLT online modules provide a flexible and convenient way to receive language training in English. All online modules are led by experienced faculty and can be taken from anywhere in Ontario. Each module is 40 hours (six weeks), and three online modules in one sector are equivalent to a full blended OSLT course. All three modules are available in the business, health care and technology sectors. They will help you:
- learn how to access the business, construction trades, health sciences or technology job markets in Ontario.
- communicate in the business, health sciences or technology sectors in Ontario.
- manage workplace interactions in the business, health sciences or technology sectors in Ontario.
OSLT online also offers 40-hour courses (8 or 10 weeks) on how to write professionally in the business, health sciences or technology sectors in Ontario. These courses are intended for participants who have successfully completed the relevant OSLT course or module. Please refer to your local college for eligibility requirements.
All online modules and courses require access to a computer with video and audio capabilities as well as an internet connection. Colleges will issue an OSLT credential for each online module successfully completed.
New OSLT for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs)
OSLT for Internationally Educated Nurses (IENs) is offered in a virtual classroom-based format (English and French) as well as through online modules in English. It is geared specifically to IENs, with practical exercises based on actual health care communications tasks and opportunities to connect with local employers and resources. You will practise communication tasks such as:
- asking common questions in a data collection interview.
- reporting data collection findings verbally and in writing.
- explaining a routine procedure to a patient.
- managing a concern or conflict.
- presenting yourself effectively in a job interview.
See the courses and modules for IENs.
Provincial Career Readiness Services and Upgrade Programs for IENs
If you are an Internationally Educated Nurse (IEN) and have had your education assessed by the College of Nurses of Ontario (CNO), please refer to the IEN Competency Upgrade Pathway (OntarioLearn) for further information.
New Courses in Construction Trades
These new 40-hour OSLT courses are targeted specifically to newcomers with experience in construction trades:
- The Accessing the Construction Trades Job Market in Ontario online module addresses the language and communication skills needed to introduce yourself professionally in the job search context, describe requirements for working in your chosen trade in Ontario and develop a plan for securing employment in your chosen trade.
- The Communicating in the Construction Trades blended course addresses the language and communication skills needed to receive task instructions, provide status reports on a job, communicate by phone, work with others, and manage routine interactions with supervisors and co-workers within construction trades in Ontario.
- The Workplace Communication Skills for Construction and Building Inspection blended course addresses the language and communication skills needed to work as a building official, with a focus on building inspectors. It is intended for newcomers with a background in skilled trades, construction management or supervision, architectural technology, engineering technology, and construction project management, including work as a building official.
See the construction trades courses.