NEW: OSLT for Internationally Educated Nurses. Online Construction Trades courses. Please visit New/Upcoming Courses for a list of course offerings.

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Background Information

Participate in FREE work-oriented language training for newcomers

Background Information

Participate in FREE work-oriented language training for newcomers

Read more about OSLT

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Leveraging Emerging Technologies in Online Language Learning for Newcomers

An Overview of the OSLT/FLAP Service Delivery Improvement (SDI) Project – Summary Report.

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Online Guiding Design Principles

Ten design principles to guide the development of online language learning.

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OSLT Overview

A short summary of OSLT and location of courses.

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OSLT Backgrounder

An in-depth description of OSLT and each course.

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OSLT Brochure

The brochure provides a high-level overview of OSLT.

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Online OSLT Course Brochure

Find out if Online OSLT Courses are for you.

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OSLT Final Report

The final report “Building Capacity: Occupation-specific Language Training at Ontario Colleges” summarizes the outcomes and lessons learned from developing and piloting the delivery of occupation-specific language training curriculum at Ontario colleges between 2008 – 2011.

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